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Provision of Medical Facilities for Women

Affordable and relevant health services and to accurate, comprehensive health information are fundamental human rights. The right to health is one of the fundamental human rights. The concept of the right to health has been mentioned in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, social and cultural rights and etc. Yet, gender-based discrimination, lack of access to education, poverty, and violence against women and girls can all prevent these rights from being provided for women and girls -- challenges that are often particularly acute when it comes to sexual and reproductive health rights and safe motherhood.

The major issues regarding women health care that arise throughout the world are reproductive health care that is compromised by brutal practice of Female Genital Mutilation and by non-cooperation to stop STDs.  The patriarchal societies with wide gender gaps believe it is Taboo to discuss the sex-related diseases with the doctors and other people. This leads to spread of STDs and aggravate the health situation of not only Women but Men as well. Refusal to use contraception and barriers due to limited resources and lack of education increases concerns about the female health as well.

A Woman plays various roles within society one of these is of mother and even her role as a mother is compromised due to insufficient medical care. Maternal health is compromised by inadequate medical and poor hygienic conditions within the hospitals. This problem worsens with the lack of attention from doctors and staff. In many of the cases a "dai maa" is called for the delivery by the husband of the lady which is even pathetic just because the man do not want a male gynecologist to help have safer delivery. This mindset by the men leads to complications and even death of a mother and if she survives, she will be accompanied by diseases like typhoid, hepatitis and etc.

Above mentioned issues are just a few from many and this issue if not solved will lead to a catastrophe not only ruining us but our sisters, mothers and even wives. To address this issue males and females are to play an equal and fair part to help societies grow and gender gaps to get shorter in order to reduce discrimination and hence to solve provision of medical facilities for women.
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