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A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon

Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. participating in protest and stood up for their rights
This is something to be considered by the people that associate the notion of militia with Muslims only. but what do they believe on this issue ? no comments. If there would have been any Muslim involved in it there would have been world wide outcry against Muslim president of USA would have mobilized troops to that are but no actions on this paralyzing situation in which there own local people have taken over the headquarters of  Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
The  person Ammon Bundy and his fellows are vowing to occupy the remote federal outpost 50 miles southeast of Burns for years. They have stood up against local authorities because there rights were being violated they had disagreement on the grazing rights of local Oregonian ranchers.
The occupation came shortly after an estimated marchers militia and locals both paraded through
burns to protest against the prosecution of two Harney county ranchers, who will be imprisoned at
The occupiers have almost 100 supporters. In phone interview by Oregonlive, the occupiers said
"Thefacility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds"
They continued "we're planning on staying here for years, absolutely,"they added "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."
They have no hostages but they demand that the wildlife refuge should be shut down and the ranchers who had been exiled should reclaim land.
They are peaceful til now but they may retaliate if their demands are not met so lets just hope for the best. Ammon Bundy has posted a video on facebook asking for support( Ammon bundy's video).
Oregon Live.


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